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Contact Info

684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235

Assist an Imam



One Humanity works to support ulama and imams living in poor conditions, helping them lead dignified lives. These imams and ulama dedicate themselves daily to ensuring the masjid, Salah, and community are well taken care of, and they are at the forefront of all Deeni work. Often, they face financial difficulties but refrain from asking for help out of shyness and respect.

Their selfless service to Deen deserves our support. We should do our part by contributing whatever we can. Every donation, whether cash or in kind, will be provided to them in a dignified manner. Please donate any amount as zakat, lillah, or sadaqah, and we will ensure the Amanat reaches them.




Further info: Please whatsApp us on +27 66 023 0898 or email