One Humanity Foundation – Founded by Mufti Ebrahim Desai (Rahimahullah)
Darul Iftaa Mahmudiyyah –
Please donate and be a means of bringing happiness to the poor and underprivileged.
The best charity is that which is given in Ramadhan.
Families who are deprived are hopeful that the blessed Month of mercy will bring them mercy and blessings.
Umar ibn al-Khattab Radhiyallahu Anhu reported: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ was asked, “Which deeds are best?” The Prophet ﷺ said, “To bring happiness to a believer, to satisfy his hunger, to clothe him, or to fulfill his needs.”
[al-Mu’jam al-Awsaṭ 5081]
– Food Packs, Feeding – Lillah / Sadaqah applicable
– Maktabs in Rural Areas – Lillah / Sadaqah applicable
– Building and Revamping of Masajid – Lillah / Sadaqah applicable
– Constructing Boreholes – Lillah / Sadaqah applicable
– Qurbani, Aqeeqah, Sadaqah – Lillah / Sadaqah applicable
– Da’wah Programs – Lillah / Sadaqah applicable
– Distribution of Fidya, Kaffarah, Sadaqah, Zakaat, Fitr
– Emergency Aid – Zakat / Interest / Lillah / Sadaqah applicable
– Winter Warmth – Zakat / Interest / Lillah / Sadaqah applicable
– Orphan and Widow Care – Zakat / Interest / Lillah / Sadaqah applicable
– Empowerment Projects (farming, sewing etc.) Zakat / Interest / Lillah / Sadaqah applicable
– Medical aid – Zakat / Interest / Lillah / Sadaqah applicable
– Sponsor Hifdh, Aalim, Deeni students – Zakat / Interest / Lillah / Sadaqah applicable
Among many others…
Nabi ﷺ said: “Indeed charity extinguishes Allah’s anger and it protects against evil death.” [Tirmidhi: 664]
One Humanity personnel will personally oversee the distributions and make sure your donations reach those who are deserving and in need.
Bank: FNB
Account Name: One Humanity Foundation
Type of Account: Current Account
Bank Branch code: 250655
Account no.: 62857202354
Reference: Project + Zakaat / Interest
Email proof of payment to admin@one–
Bank: FNB
Account Name: One Humanity Foundation
Type of Account: Current Account
Bank Branch code: 250655
Account no.: 62857202362
Reference: Project + Lillah / Sadaqah
Email proof of payment to admin@one–
PayPal: admin@one– or Click Here
PayFast: Click Here