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One Humanity Foundation’s water and sanitation projects in Malawi aims to provide access to safe and clean water by constructing boreholes.
5.26% Raised
$200.00 donated of $3,800.00 goal
1 Donors
Campaign has ended
Donation: $200.00 / $3,800.00

Sa’d bin Ubadah (Radhiyallahu anhu) asked: Which form of charity is most virtuous? Rasulullah (Sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) replied: “Arranging water for masses to drink”.

One Humanity Foundation’s water and sanitation projects in Malawi aims to provide access to safe and clean water by constructing waterwells and boreholes in rural areas throughout Malawi.

On average, a waterwell can benefit upto 100-200 families four times per day depending on the location. The water is used by families for washing, cooking, drinking, irrigation and farming etc.  

One Humanity teams on the ground in Malawi ensure regular feedback of areas that are in dire need. Once the project has been completed, a plaque with your details will be put up and images of the borehole after completion will be sent to you.

Providing water in this way is an excellent way of offering a Sadaqah Jariyah (continuous charity) as the donor can expect to reap rewards from Allah for as long as the water is being used.  

One may donate as an Isaal-e-Thawaab for ones beloved.

Cost of a Borehole: R52,000 (As of 2024) 

Donations accepted for this project: Lillah | Sadaqah