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Ramadhan 2023 | Iftaar in Malawi


Whoever gives Iftar to one who is fasting will have a reward like his, without that detracting from the reward of the fasting person in the slightest.” – (al-Tirmidhi)


The month of Ramadan, filled with goodness and blessings presents us with an opportunity to maximize our good deeds. One of such acts which all Muslims are encouraged to perform in excess is kindness and charity.


One Humanity Foundation is giving you an opportunity during the month of Ramadan to feed Iftaar to your brothers and sisters in Malawi. Every year, we organize iftaar for the less privileged in various areas in Malawi. This year Insha’Allah, we plan on doing the same and serving many more through your help.



One Humanity Foundation

Bank: First National Bank

Account Type: Current 

Branch code: 250655

Account no: 62857202362

Reference: Iftar Feeding


Email proof of payment to